Wednesday, January 23, 2013

South Barker Cypress Blvd. (landscape and park photos)

South Barker Cypress Blvd road name sign with stop sign

Lots of birds can b observed on Barker Reservoir grounds. S. Barker Cypress runs through part of  it North-South.
Toward the North from Westheimer Parkway, however, it is a cul de sac, ending at the Equestrian Area parking lot, which provides access to Barker-Clodine bike trail (a paved route closed to motor traffic) and a trail to the soccer fields to the West, which also has black top and includes a boardwalk section over Buffalo Bayou.
Lake East of S. Barker Cypress Rd inside Barker Reservoir
Line of trees on the edge of the reservoir section West of S. Barker-Cypress Blvd.
that includes sports fields
This sign explains how George W.H. Bush Park got its name; and what role George Bush
played in Buffalo Bayou conservation.
Partial view of children's playground at George Bush Park
Picnic area with pavilions and rest rooms South of Westheimer Parkway
on the East side of S. Barker-Cypress Blvd.

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