Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Bicycles than Horses - Equestrian Area in George Bush Park (access from Westheimer Parkway)

The equestrian area of George Bush Park is not only for riders with horses. It's a good staging ground for bike riders too. As a matter of fact, the cyclists are far more numerous -- and regularly so -- than the horse-back riders. 

Directional sign to Equestrian Area parking lot
Dead-end access road from Westheimer Parkway going North
(South Barker-Cypress Road)

The parking lot at the equestrian trail section of Bush Park (technically South Barker Cypress and Beeler Rd., but who would have known) has a dedicated parking area for trailers, but also general parking, and provides access for hikers and bikers to (1) the North-South Bush Park Hike and Bike Trail (formerly Barker-Clodine Road, still paved, at least a width of a few feet); (2) the Noble Road Trail, which branches off Barker-Coldine to the East (only good for hiking and dirt-biking if not flooded); and (3) the paved trail to the soccer/rugby fields farther to the West. 
Westbound Trail
East-bound Trail,, which curves to left (North) behind the gate
Both trails cross over Buffalo Bayou, which comes in from the Southwest and meanders through the entire reservoir on its why to the flow-control gate at Barker Dam

Only circumstantial evidence of horse presence
on the day I took these pics
The portion of the East-West trail crossing the Bayou consists not only of a ped-bike bridge over the watercourse itself, but a much longer elevated wooden boardwalk over the riparian wilderness left and right of the bayou (which of course surges over its banks periodically, and creates a pretty wild scene with log-jammed driftwood and whatever comes downstream after heavy rails). Horses are not allowed on the boardwalk. It's peds and bikers only. Okay, I suppose kids in strollers too, but those types of non-motorized parent-powered vehicles are typically not specifically mentioned (or shown on signs). 

The paved North-South bike trail also crosses Buffalo Bayou, -- over a concrete street bridge, albeit one no longer used for motor traffic except county maintenance vehicles. 

Caution: As of Jan 2013, part of the railing is missing on the East side. Could a drunk driver have made it all the way in here and taken out the concrete pillar? Hard to believe, although it looks like the results of an accident of that sort. Perhaps a large tree fell on it. Who knows. 

Location of access road to Equestrian Area in George Bush Park shown on map
George Bush Park on the Map - Access to Equestrian Area from Westheimer Parkway
Here are a few more current pics to give you an idea what it looks like (in January) in the equestrian area and around the trails that originate there. 

Red winter berries on Beeler Road
Access road (with gate) to the paved trail to North-South bike route
(Barker-Clodine Road
One of Commission Radack's ubiquitous signs at George Bush trailhead
access point to North-South bike trail and Noble Road Trail,
which branches off of it, and turns North-East
to ultimately connect to the Barker Dam Road and the parking lot at Briar Forest.
Palmetto on the edge of the wooded area
Southern end of North-South bike route in George Bush Park
What's still green this early in the year (January) is the sign.
The grass shows various (off) colors depending on weather conditions
and lighting; suffice it to say green patches are scarce.
See earlier post and pics with North-South bike trail in lush green surroundings in the summer.

Noble Road Trail in January
While the prairie grasslands-area West of the North-South Trail evokes images of paradise in Spring and Summer -- with an abundance of colorful flowers and butterflies -- now that the greenery is gone, the landscape is far more appealing when it is dark, or near dark, -- with the setting sun adding a few  marmolated hues to the horizon. Not to mention leafless trees patiently standing still for seasonal silhouette (and long-exposure night shots). 

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