Friday, January 11, 2013

Controlled flooding in George Bush Park

The heavy rains of the past few days have flooded parts of Bush Park again. That's what is supposed to happen, though. After all, the area is a designated reservoir. 

Barker Dam was not just built to afford the locals an opportunity for nice walks with panoramic view, but to hold back the waters running off from the Katy prairie so they won't add to the effects of sustained precipitation farther downstream. When the rain is over, the gates are opened and more water than usual is released and heads down to the Ship Channel. The water level of Buffalo Bayou downstream may thus rise with delay and a stronger flow may be seen after the bad whether is gone. 

This area on the West side of the dam is dry most of the year -
bur not now (1/10/13)
Rainwater flow-off backed up behind the dam
Monitoring equipment on concrete pylon

Gates with greater than usual throughput

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