Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why George Bush Park?

How did Bush Park get its name? It's not the bushes, no. Just one Bush, with capital letter. The elder. 

A poster in the section of the park South of Westheimer Parkway explains the role of former president George H.W. Bush -- along with Terry Hershey (for whom the park along the bayou is named) -- in preserving natural habitat and preventing Buffalo Bayou from being channelized -- i.e. straightened and its banks lined with concrete -- like other bayous in the greater Houston area.  

George Bush Park Map with trails and facilities shown (click to enlarge)

The 41st President of the United States is also being honored elsewhere in the City of Houston. Downtown, there is a George Bush Monument that has him (or rather a statute of him) looking over the Bayou, and there is also a Presidential Grove at Memorial Park. Current President Obama has a mural of his image in Midtown near the Breakfast Club restaurant, but it has been defaced already several times, and had to be redone by the artist. 

George Herbert Walker Bush Memorial

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