Thursday, August 9, 2012

Owls at the Aviary: Barred Owl & Great Horned Owl

An aviary provides captive birds more living space than a cage, and thus allows them to fly. Signs at the Bear Creek Aviary inform on-lookers that the owls have ailments or injuries that would cause them to die if released into the wild because they could no longer fend for themselves.   

Owl at the aviary at night with artificial red light
Bear Creek Park Aviary (bird house)
Barred Owl in captivity
[birds kept in the aviary can no longer make it on their own in the wild]

Educational information for Barred Owl (Strix Varia)

Horned Owl
[kept at Bear Creek aviary because it is disabled and could not survive in the wild]

Woodlands resident Bubo Virginianus
Great Horned Owl Info posted at aviary

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