Sunday, August 5, 2012

Don't mess with the lake in my neighborhood: Residents take on new corporate owner of commercial property to save their beloved Lake Thicket

Memorial-area home owners organize to stop developer from draining neighborhood lake on land slated for re-development. Demolition of huge but obsolete office complex at South Mayde Creek Lane in the 15300 block of Memorial Drive is already well underway. The lake has been fenced off -- and no trespassing signs posted -- although the birds remain - for now. 

Memorial Thicket home owners love "their" lake and have started campaign to  stop new
owner/developer  from draining it:
Also see blog:

Neighbors fight for their recreation area next door:
Save Lake Thicket campaign sign on neighborhood fence on Memorial Drive 

Location of large-scale demolition and re-development project:
South Mayde Creek at 15200-15300 block South of Memorial Drive

Transocean and Global Santa Fe used to occupy the buildings,
which have now been vacant for many months

A smattering of home-made sign express residents' sentiment

Only shell of office building remains

The site is close to Terry Hershey Park at Langham Creek and Memorial Loop segment
of Terry Hershey Hike & Bike Trail

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