Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dirt road to oil well site in Barker Reservoir in winter

The Tim Miles Trail in Barker Reservoir

This is a side trail branching off from Noble Road Trail inside Barker Reservoir, running first south on the edge of the wetlands restoration area that was devastated by a wild fire in 2011, then turns West and ends at a fenced oil well site with a number of large tanks. This dirt road does not have a name; so I am identifying it by the name of the Oil Lease (Tim Miles) to which it leads. Unlike Noble Road Trail, which crosses the park and links up with the Barker-Clodine Road bike-hike trial, the Tim Miles Trail is a cul-de-sac that does not get much foot or bicycle traffic. The West Houston sunsets from the North-South section of the trail can be pretty awesome, though, rivaling the scenic sunsets on the lake right behind the Dam. While there is no water here most of the year, and thus no reflection of the setting sun, the charred tree trunks limbs make for a ghastly silhouette against the blue and orange evening sky. The wildfire raged here in the Fall of 2012 and effects are very much still present, especially in the winter when the greenery is gone.   

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