Monday, October 1, 2012

Eclipse Apartments

1600 Block of South Eldridge Parkway Street Sign - Eclipse Apartment Living
Houston TX 77077
More construction underway on land between Eclipse apartments and Eldridge Parkway near Briar Forest

Eclipse Apartments - First Phase - seen from across the greenspace from Eldridge Parkway
near Ray Miller Park
Eclipse Apartments at the Curve late in the afternoon

Eclipse Apartment Homes on Eldridge Parkway South of Briar Forest
 shown on the Google Map (satellite view with Panoramio image of front of building
Ray Miller Park in left-bottom corner

Children's Playground Equipment at Ray Miller Park, Picnic tables and benches and BBQ grill

Now about the real eclipse thing, as opposed appropriation of the term by brand-consultants and marketers, it does not happen very often, but this year we got lucky. From Barker Dam the view was pretty good, although it was only a partial eclipse.

There are other scenic sunset photos on this blog; - with only the bottom of the disk missing, or images of the setting sun with a not quite intact fiery circle behind the trees whose limbs make for silhouettes on the horizon that partially obscure the fire ball. 

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