Monday, August 13, 2012

Now more pedestrian-friendly - Neighborhood walkability enhanced for Enclave Pkwy residents and students at The Village School

Enclave Parkway, which winds its way through the Energy Corridor from the Gentryside neighborhood to Eldridge Parkway is becoming increasingly pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly. 
Here are a few recent photos of the segment South of Briar Forest in which the sidewalk infrastructure improvement project has now been completed for a few months. The management of the adjoining apartment complexes are also doing their part to enhance the visual beauty and quality of life in the area with appealing landscaping, although trash pick-up still appears to be a problem in search of a solution.
Sidewalk construction work is currently under way in the Northern segment of Enclave Parkway (North of Briar Forest, where major companies occupy numerous large office buildings on both the East and the West side) to complete the link to the hike & bike trail alongside Eldridge Parkway that connects to the Terry Hershey Trail via a ped-bike bridge over Buffalo Bayou. 

Enclave Parkway with new sidewalk near The Village School
(Elementary School) at Westella Drive

Watch-for-crossing-pedestrians warning sign for motorists on the edge of Enclave Parkway going South;
new poured-concrete sidewalk and bike lane
New look of Enclave Parkway South of Briar Forest after completion of
2011 City of Houston sidewalk construction project in this -- mostly residential -- segment of the Parkway.
Map detail of area covered by 2011 Phase of City of Houston Sidewalk Construction Project on Enclave Parkway

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