Monday, September 10, 2012

Dragonflies in the George Bush Park - Roseate Skimmers and Whitetails

Roseate Skimmer dragonfly (Orthemis ferruginea) perching on a twig
Skimmer Dragonfly with translucent wings with only a small band of color on the anterior side of the wing edges
Probably a Roseate Skimmer, but you can't tell the color of the tail here because this is back-lit dragonfly shot against the sky to reveal the wing structure against blue background
Perching skimmer on green defocussed background in woody area

Butterfly and dragonfly habitat in George Bush Park / restored Katy Prairie grassland

Roseate Skimmer Dragonfly

Dragonfly seen from underneath against the sky
All wings extended and illuminated by the sun, one has a small piece missing

Mature male Common Whitetail dragonfly with pruinescence covering the abdomen
sitting upright on a grass stalk in a meadow

This one only has one brownish-black mark on each wing
I suspect it is an immature male Common Whitetail

Common Whitetails (aka Longtail Skimmer) on the wall of a water hole in George Bush Park;
one has a white tail (adult male), the other one does not (adult female).
This is my best guess. The dragonfly on the right could alternatively be a female Twelve-spotted Skimmer.
Male Twelve-spotted Skimmer perching, though its seem more like 24-spots,
counting the white spots in addition to the brown ones.

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