Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Addicks Reservoir at high water: Views from top of the Dam Road (July 17, 2012)

Anything but drought this summer: Rainwater flow-off from the Katy/Bear Creek area is draining to Addicks Reservoir and drowning the wilderness there, turning it into a huge lake, with a few trees sticking out here and there. 

What a contrast with just a year ago! 

Addicks Dam Gravel Road at Eldridge Parkway - Looking East (7/17/12)

Area rainwater accumulating in South-East corner
of Addicks Reservoir at Eldridge Parkway

Terry Hershey Extension Trail Project Coming Soon Sign
next to Eldridge Parkway on  South side of earthen Addicks Dam

Energy Corridor Office Buildings seen from the top of the Dam at Eldridge Pkwy

Addicks Dam Road - Looking East (July 17, 2012)

Detained Water at the Lanham Creek Flow Control Gate

Looking down into the reservoir from the Addicks Dam Road near the
Flow Control Gate: Electricity Pylon cum reflection (7/17/12)

Addicks Reservoir in July 2012 -
Built the The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 80 or so years ago to protect Houston
from flooding during spells of heavy precipitation
Water flow control gate - Regulates water level
in Langham Creek, a tributary of Buffalo Bayou

Seasonal beauty with Energy Corridor Office Towers
in the background
Heading West on the Dam Road: Seasonal yellow flowers
in large bushes with Water Tower near Highway 6 in the background

Water Tower near Highway 6 close up against the cloudy sky

Addicks reservoir grounds covered in several feet of water
after mid-July storms - Photo taken from gravel road on the cusp of the dam

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