Thursday, April 28, 2016

Westheimer Parkway behind Barker Dam under water

The road to nowhere, or rather into the water 
Barker Dam trail access at Westheimer Pkwy cusp 
Black vultures in the grass - there must be a dead body nearby 
Large dead animal in the water behind the dam after
the vultures have almost finished the clean-up job 
Swallowtail visiting one of the Indian paintbrush flowers that
are now sprouting in the grass on the dam slope 
High water behind the dam - view from the dry stretch of
Westheimer Parkway looking East 
Flooded George Bush Park at Westheimer Parkway 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Brays Bayou - High water in the detention basin (and park) between Highway 6 and Eldridge at Westpark

Houston's Epic April 2016 Flood 
filled up the stormwater detention basins out West, 
but it wasn't enough to prevent disaster downstream 

When the wetlands are really wet 
High water at Archbishop Fiorenza Park on Eldridge Pkway at Westpark  

Flippable dual-purpose sign: Don't Litter in dry condition, High Water
warning when it's been rain like this week 
Marked wetlands area (sign at center) 
Bridge railings with instructions on what to refrain from 
No fishing from bridge - what bridge? 
Not a triathlon event: Cul-de-sac Hiking and Biking - No Swimming 
Nature area: Alligator warning and posted State of Texas fish catch limits 
Fishing in high water at the canal that connects two flood control basins