Saturday, July 5, 2014

Flood control canals as bird habitat

Ibis on Buffalo Bayou at Highway 6 - East of flood gate at
Barker Dam
Nigh Heron
Snowy egret with trade-mark yellow feet
 Three common birds seen at Houston-area 
waterways: Great white egret, snowy egret, night heron

Egrets on concrete slopes at confluence 
of channelized streams

Large culverts at Noble Road outside Barker Dam
in which birds have built mud nest on ceiling

High water at SH-6 bridge over Buffalo Bayou with
birds looking for fish
Buffalo Bayou spillway downstream from the flood
control gate - Heavy water release after rains in June
Black-crowned night heron on the water

Ibis strutting along the Buffalo Bayou bank, foraging

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