Friday, January 4, 2013

Silhouette of windmill at Barker evokes Katy area's ranching past

Windmill at former site of LH7 Ranch on what is now Barker Reservoir
It's actually not a mill. The wind-energy was used to power a water pump
Erstwhile Barker General Store and Post Office seen across the fields
Gate at Marks LH7 Ranch (also written as _H7  to render the shape of the brand mark more accurately)
with church and farm buildings in back behind. Although the original meaning has fallen into disuse, brands
were used to mark ownership of cattle to allow for easier identification in the event of cattle theft, and thus deter it.
Texas Historical Commission marker  and interpretive poster at site of former LH7 Ranch at Barker Reservoir
located a bit South of Katy Freeway off stretch of Barker-Clodine Road (now a cul de sac because the section running down to Westheimer Parkway is closed to motor traffic.)
Annotated aerial view of _H7 Ranch Buildings with historical photographs of rancher and longhorn cattle

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