Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Harris County Flood Control Channel T-103 (Barker Reservoir) Photos

T103 as seen from ped-bike bridg
This drainage ditch hardly sports an impressive name, but it is a great birding location, and a hike and bike trail runs alongside it and makes this part of Barker Reservoir very accessible to walkers and cyclists alike. The foot bridge over the man-made canal, which feeds into Buffalo Bayou downstream is quite picturesque in its setting, particularly in the summer, when the surrounding landscape is green and the sky is blue. But that does not mean the landscape lacks aesthetic appeal during the cold season, as these pictures taken on a dreary day early in January illustrate. 

Looking across Flood Channel T103 from ped-bike bridge head on the North end
Pedestrian Bridge over flood canal running West-East to Buffalo Bayou
Flood Channel T103 with mowed banks and treeline with cloudy sky
Puddle in meadow that is not so green any more in January along the trail
Satellite map from pre-Google Maps days posted at trailhead

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