Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cute pictures of vultures ... is that an oxymoron?

Judge for yourself 

American Black Vulture in the midst of a portraiture session (even with halo)
Most people brave enough to speak in defense of vultures make utilitarian arguments. These scavengers pick up the road-kill, so the argument goes; and help keep the highways clean, not to mention less putrid. They should be respected for the good work they do. And they are right, of course. 

But what about the aesthetics not just of their majestic appearance, but their moves across the sky, and their elevation of perching in high places to an art form?

Here is some more pics for serious American vulture appreciation: 

Vulture soaring high over Addicks Reservoir area
Air passing in the sky why black vultures linger on a light post

I have posted pics before showing vultures at work. In the perception of many humans, seeing the vultures in action -- i.e., hacking into carcasses of dead animals and ripping bits of dead meat out -- may be less edifying. But watching that spectacle will convince you it's hard work. No reason to give them less respect than eagles just because they don't usually first kill what they dissect and devour. 

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