Saturday, September 8, 2012

Corner of Enclave and Eldridge Parkway - Cafe Express opening and more office construction ahead

The new Café Express is located at the South-East corner of the intersection of Enclave Parkway and Eldridge Parkway. This area has recently seen the completion of sidewalks on both sides of Enclave Parkway that connect the corporate campuses that line the Parkway to the Terry Hershey hike and bike system, which runs alongside the banks of Buffalo Bayou and Langham Creek. The project is  meant to enhance walkability and bikeability for area-employees and residents. It forms part of the forward-looking mobility concept for the Energy Corridor District - an area that is poised to experience significant growth in the near future - and the West Houston area more broadly.

Bench with Terry Hershey Bike & Hike Trail System Map North of corner of Eldridge Parkway and Enclave Parkway
Blue signage of Cafe Express visible on the building in the background

The signalized Eldridge-Enclave intersection has crossing lights for pedestrians with coordinated sound-track that issues walk-and-wait commands; which could be particularly useful for the vision-impaired, while it may annoy others.

Located across the street are a Holiday Inn with an inhouse restaurant and bar, a Capital One Bank branch, and several other restaurants, among them newly-opened Sharky’s Grill, a Japanese sushi restaurant. There is also a sandwich shop.

Within the shopping center East of Eldridge Parkway Café Express has the Houston Barbecue Company, Achille Italian Café, and Beans Café as neighbors. There are also a few other business in the shopping center, including a tavern, a realtor’s office, and a dentist.  
To the North, the red KBR logo prominently appears on top of a Class A office building of recent vintage that towers over Buffalo Bayou and the adjoining riparian parkland.  

The office property is named Eldridge Oaks One, and is awaiting its Number Two namesake, to be built on what is currently green space with a few trees in the NW corner of the intersection. The parcel still has a Transwestern project sign touting the attributes of the first stage Class-A Eldridge Oak office building, which saw completion in 2009.

Nov 11, 2012 Update: The Transwestern project sign has since been replaced with one providing information on the next office tower (Eldridge Oaks Phase II) to be constructed on the empty lot, which should be completed by 2014.

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