Friday, July 27, 2012

Work on Terry Hershey Trail Extension from Katy Fwy North to Addicks Dam underway (July 2012)

Terry Hershey Park & Trail parking lot located just South of I-10 provides access to Memorial Loop segment of Terry Hershey Trail, playgrounds, and future trail extension running North to Addicks Reservoir, which can be reached through underpass under Katy Freeway and feeder roads.

The underpass under Katy Freeway (Interstate 10) has been available for a while, but there was no trail
to speak of to continue on North to the Addicks Dam Road and Reservoir

Clearing work is underway on the segment North of I-10 running along Langham Creek
up to the flow control gate at Addicks Reservoir 

Meadow in the power line corridor making way for new trail

The gate house at the flow control gate on top of Addicks Dam

Clouds and high voltage pylons make for an awesome vista

Greater than normal water-release from Addicks Reservoir  into
Langham Creek, which will join up with Buffalo Bayou further down in Terry Hershey Trail
near Memorial Drive (7/25/2012)

The spillway at the Langham Creek flow control gate/weir at Addicks Dam
The rotten smell is awful! (July 25, 2012)

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